
$75 - $150*

Quality development work at your beck and call. Work with us for as few or many hours as you need. No contract, no commitment, billed in 30min intervals.

Hourly rates vary depending on the skillset required and urgency of completion expected.


$55 - $120*

Lower hourly rates, and dedicated technical professionals who know your business and technical needs inside and out, providing fast, reliable technical support at a reduced hourly rate for 10+ hours a month.

Retainer contracts are month-to-month, for a minimum 2 month period and 30 day advanced notice cancellation clause.



Large software applications & websites are quoted on a per project basis, the scope of which is determined and agreed upon by both parties.

Our goal is to deliver high quality software applications at competitive industry rates, and leave our clients feeling that they've got the best dollar spend in the market for their design and technical needs.

request a quote
*Ask us about our tacos-per-hour rates.